Monday, September 13, 2004

Day care + "antibiotics" = family flu

I drop Isaac off at his school (aka day care) every morning as soon as it opens (7:30), which gives me a warm-fuzzy because he is there with the head teacher and no one else for a good long while -- most of the other kids don't get there until 8:30 or so. This morning, his buddy Tucker (who is 1) was already there when we got there, and then a second after we walked in the door, Isaac's buddy Ryan (who is 10 months?) came in with his dad. As I was writing up Isaac's little info sheet for the day (saying when he got up, when he ate last, when we changed his diaper last, etc), I overheard Ryan's dad talking about Ryan's "visit to the pediatrician" and then "we just got tired of dealing with it, so we went for the antibiotics." Because I am scatterbrained, I forgot to ask the teacher if Ryan was sick. Obviously, I don't have to do that anymore, because both Dad and I have the flu. Unfortunately nothing serious that would allow us to stay home from work, but we do get all the annoying symptoms that come along with it -- headaches, sore throat, sneezing. Yee-yuck. And the worst part is that I can't take anything but Tylenol because I'm nursing. Anyway, we feel the most sorry for Isaac's teachers -- those poor people must have unending colds.

Or we could just be allergic to Bean.


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