Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Perhaps we need a new place to walk?

Isaac and I have been taking the same route every day on our fabulous little walk -- first we walk up the main street to the 7-11, then we walk down into the park and back to the apartment complex along a less-crowded street. Now, I may have been creeping into the paranoia that inevitably comes when Dad has left the building for X number of hours (Ladies, you know what I'm talking about -- when his guitar case, out of the corner of your eye, looks like an axe murderer casually leaning against the wall in your house), but today I noticed a disturbing pattern under some pine trees. Evidently there is a nest for medium-sized birds (pigeons?) in this grove of pine trees. Each of the past three days, Isaac and I have noticed a new bird carcass laying on the ground. Weirder still is that these carcasses are ONLY bird wings, and the poor birds' bodies are completely gone except for their skeletons. It is FREAKY-DEEKY. Is there some kind of predatory creature that would do this, or do I live in an Alfred Hitchcock movie?


Blogger Claire said...

Dad encouraged me to use my editorial license to remove redhairblueface's comment. This guy is going from blog to blog, publishing random insulting comments because he is an egomaniac who thinks it is his job to add some randomness to the blogging universe. Anyway, Dad suggested, and perhaps I agree, that most people who are visiting this blog are looking to hear only Isaac-family-centered things, and not waste their time, as I did, trying to figure out what silly people are doing making strange and random comments on my blog. I promise to never, ever censor a comment that is actually relevant.

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gah. That is super scary. At least the bird carcasses aren't smoking. Because that would be much scarier.


6:51 AM  
Blogger Claire said...

Grandma Jane: Dad agrees with you about the cat -- I didn't know they left the wings intact. Anyway, it is STILL creepy, and I think we will keep to more populated streets from here on out. Or we will just go places with our buddies Mindy and Clayton.

8:38 PM  

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