Monday, November 22, 2004

Suddenly -- BAM! -- everything happens

So much is happening with what seems to be our brand-new little person that it is difficult for even a blog addict such as myself to keep up. I wanted to jot down a few things that have been going on with Isaac in the past few days:

1) He waved to me for the first time -- I was pumping gas and trying to entertain him in his car seat. I started waving like a crazy person, and he waved right back at me.
2) He has now completely mastered "real" crawling, so much so that he cannot be trusted to stay where he is even for a second. This also means traveling amongst rooms and hallways at his leisure, and for we parental units, discovering that our house is a baby death trap. For example: Isaac recently took a trip, under constant Mom supervision, to the underside of our end table. Before Isaac did, I discovered therein a 9-volt battery to poison ourselves on, a small mouse cat-toy to choke on, and a Christmas ornament replete with hook to impale ourselves on. Great. Oh, and this also means that we are way past due in the whole gate-for-the-stairs thing. My temporary solution is to not let him leave my watchful gaze. At all. Seriously.
3) He has become rather skilled at feeding himself Cheerios. Evidently they feed him these at daycare now, too.
4) We thought for a while there that he hated green vegetables. Every time I tried to feed him peas or green beans, he would pitch a fit. Now we realize it's because, since he's suddenly such a little explorer, he is entirely bored with our eating process. Tonight he started screaming about the sweet potatoes, which he usually adores, so Dad offered to serenade him on the guitar while he ate, and he ate the whole container without a fuss.
5) He really enjoys reading. Until like two days ago, he couldn't sit still for half of a book unless he was really exhausted. Now, he loves having books read to him and will sit for TWO whole books at a time. Sometimes he even helps turn the pages. We are therefore trying to fit in at least one book per day. His new favorite, which he hated before, is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. He likes to put his fingers in the holes where the caterpillar has "eaten". Other big faves are Owl Babies and I Am A Bunny.
6) He can pull up on his crib rail, even at its "tall" position. Last night, he was up there each time I came in to get him.
7) He no longer fits in his ducky tub, and instead takes his baths in the big-people tub. Because I fear my back will fail otherwise, I get in there with him.

All this and still NO TEETH. Can you believe it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quite the little achiever you have on your hands!! Mo started waving recently too. It just started out of nowhere. And the crawling thing...oh my lord. I, too, am trying the watchful gaze approach since I have procrastinated so badly on the baby gate purchase. As for the cheerios, I have been afraid to let her try them. I don't know why, but I have this crazy fear she's going to choke or something. I just bought some of those baby food snacks that melt in your mouth, and she did fine. I am trying to work my way up I suppose.

8:24 PM  

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