Thursday, September 01, 2005

Thursday babble

Today was one of those days where a lot of stuff was going on, but the day still seemed slow, probably because Isaac wasn't in the most fantastic of moods. I let him watch a little too much TV, and that always makes me feel like a big slacker, even though we went to playgroup for 2 hours, I made English muffin pizzas for lunch, and spaghetti and meatballs, as well as homemade bread, from scratch for dinner. And did all the dishes. Well, maybe I'm just tired, too.

We have company in town until Sunday -- Michael's friend and field assistant, Ryan, from Seattle. He flew out to the East Coast to visit some campuses, including U of Delaware, to check out Masters' programs. He's crashing with us, and he's lots of fun, a really easy-going guy and beloved by both Isaac and Moses. But there is SO MUCH geo-blahblah going on at my house it is nuts.

Tomorrow we (all of us, including houseguests but minus cat-brother) are going to a Geography Department potluck at another professor's house. It will be the first time I will have met most of the faculty and staff, and I am excited about that. Michael has taught Isaac to shake hands in anticipation of him meeting these professors. Hopefully there will be opportunity for pictures to share with the blog.

Perhaps something else contributing to the blah-ness of today is that I feel like crizap. Yesterday I had such a bad headache, I had to take some Tylenol. Yesterday and today, I've been pretty nauseous, to the point where I gag on breakfast. I hope it's just a cold, and not a sign of things to come with U.B., since we're supposed to be past that (though I know Erin had some major puke-issues when carrying Ben).

Speaking of, I think I may be feeling some faint U.B. movement. He/She and his/her cave-like dwelling are big enough combined now that it's uncomfortable for Isaac lean back against my stomach when he's sitting on my lap. The internet says that, today, he/she is as "big as a small gerbil" (however big that is). Dada's insurance for us should get processed next week, and then we can start working our way into getting the anticipated anatomy scan ultrasound, and find out U.B.'s gender, if he/she will let us.


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