Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Isaac, how he suffers

Isaac's top canine teeth evidently did not fully push their way through when they began their descent a few weeks ago. Ever since Grandma Ross left, Isaac has been waking in the night, and then shoving his hands relentlessly in his mouth all day long. Last night was the worst in a long time. He woke up at 12:30, then at 1, then at 1:30, then at 2. Usually this pattern would make me just a little peeved, but it was obvious that he was in some extreme discomfort. Dada said he heard Isaac softly crying "Nooo..." in his fitful sleep. When he would get up, he would whimper until we came in his room, hands again rubbing around in his mouth. With our help, he would dutifully try to go back to sleep, but it just wouldn't stick. Finally I brought him in bed with me, where he chewed on my hair in his sleep until 6:30. He took an almost 3.5-hour nap to make up for it this afternoon, my poor, poor baby. He'll let me feel around in there only when Orajel application is involved, and it would appear that only one of these pesky canines has broken through. This means 3 more of these suckers to go, and then on to the second molars! And I thought the sleeplessness with newborns was bad!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am having the same problems with Clayton right now. Sometimes he is up for 2-3 hours a night with a "mama I hurt" cry. The only thing that will make him happy is if I rock him for hours and he has good old "Pups and Tigger" in each hand. When is this teething thing going to end!!!!

12:25 PM  
Blogger Susie said...

Liam is very moody right now with the 4 1-year molars. He isn't bad at night - but he wakes every other hour and talks and moans a bit before falling back off. :( Poor babes!

8:20 PM  

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