Thursday, September 23, 2004

Fry, brain, FRY!

You all may have heard about my boss, and how he engages in an evil form of motivation -- guilt. For the sake of this blog, let's call him "Grim". Anywho, this is the story of one woman's triumph, one day at a time, over the guilt.

My brain is totally wiped out today, because it has been completely and thoroughly jazzercizing. Know why? Because I spent EIGHT whole hours at the office today, all completely dedicated to working on my paper. This is more time, in one sitting, than I have spent at work or even ON work since Isaac was born. Usually, one would say "Ick! Work sucks!" or something like that. But you may recall a recent post where I got chewed out by Grim about not having enough done towards writing a paper about my recent results. Well well well tomorrow I have a meeting with him, and I will show him what I have discovered (and would not have been able to discover without 8 straight hours glued to my laptop) and I will also thump down on his desk a thick and sexily-written manuscript in an eye-catching yellow folder. His socks will be knocked off, and he will say, "Claire, you are just the coolest ever. What would science do without you?" And I will say "Science would curl up and die."

Let me also share with you the secret behind my fabulous sucesses today. It is none other than my darling husband, Dad. Knowing the pressure that I am under from Grim to get something done, Dad volunteered to take Baby-Bot under his wing all bloomin' afternoon. Of his own free will he does this. And that is why my husband is the coolest ever. And my boys, they had a great time together. Granted, most of it was spent with Isaac sacked out in his crib, but then Dad took him to work at the journal with him. One need only to look below to see one more reason why Dad is the greatest -- he also took a great picture for the blog. Sigh. So I am feeling majorly lucky today to have TWO great guys around. Girls, eat your hearts out.


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