Thursday, September 30, 2004

The lesser of two weevils

We are so tired today. Isaac totally skipped his afternoon nap so we could go to a "geology" department function with Dad -- one of those welcome-newbie-grad-student things. There were cookies there. Really, does anything else matter? Anyway all three of us went, and there ended up being quite an impressive turnout, a bunch of geo-nerds all crammed in a little conference room. It got pretty loud, which got Scream-a-pillar all worked up and gave him inspiration to start with his melodious shrieking as in the pool the other day. We didn't get home till almost 4. I was feeling restless, and Mindy is without her big guy, so we took the boys to Whole Foods so I could get some more baby food. Of course, we could just go to the QFC (that's Kroger for you Midwest folks) down the road, but mainly this trip was for entertainment value, and QFC means we have to immerse ourselves in the completely insufferably U-Village traffic. And Whole Foods is Isaac's number-one most favorite store. But most importantly for those who have to take our boys there, it has a Jamba Juice.

So Isaac is now geared up to become a gourmand of all things organic and pureed, with such fabulously mouthwatering entrees as "Green Beans & Rice" or "Apples & Apricots" or "Winter Squash." Actually, I haven't been keeping you all in the loop with our culinary adventures. Since our rediscovery of solid foods, Isaac has slurped up 1)peaches 2)applesauce 3)squash and 4)pears, giving each two dinky little thumbs up. The only things we have left in the pantry for him are things I am a little afraid to give him. Like bananas, which I have universally heard will make him produce actual baby turds. No thanks. And then there are two jars of sweet potatoes, which I am mildly allergic to, and so wonder if Isaac may also be. No fun there. But I digress.

We came home from Whole Foods and then went on our walk, for which Isaac unexpectedly remained conscious. When we got home, therefore, he had been awake for almost six hours, not including a 5 or 10 minute catnap on the way to Whole Foods. I decided that it might be okay if we ditched the bath this evening (heck, I haven't had one since yesterday morning) and I just let him fall asleep at the boobie, contradictory to my design of the week. Hey, I'm tired. I don't want to have to do our futile little dance with the "no, Mom, I'm really not tired" and the "oh, but I know you are, look at this musical doggie" and the "I can kick and scream and pull your hair if you try to lay me down in my baby-cage". You get the idea -- usually I can be up for it, but tonight it was just old.

But I had help putting Isaac to sleep (as if the boobie wasn't enough), as I utilized the monotonous tones of our President and Senator Kerry limp-wristedly duking it out in their televised debate as the background for our nursing session. Now, I hate hate hate talking politics, as I really dislike any conversation topic that almost always leads to argument and confrontation, but I am trying to be a good little American and educate myself about who I should vote for in November. Not that it will matter in this Kerry-love-fest that calls itself a state. But let me tell you that I am so proud of our darling President for the progress he has made in dampening the car-salesman affectations in his speaking manner -- it only took him four years! I will probably still vote for G.W., but boy did both of those guys do a great job of never directly answering the questions. It reminded me of that old joke about choosing "the lesser of two weevils", because I think most people can agree with me that they are both pretty lame. If you disagree, however, I encourage you to go out and make your voice heard. Not to me, of course! but very quietly, to yourself, at the polls.


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