Sunday, September 26, 2004

We're baaa-ack; yesterday we partied

Hi, world -- sorry for the lack of posts this weekend. We've been a busy crew, mainly because Dad and I hosted a party at our apartment yesterday. Dad's research advisor is leaving on a long sabbatical next week, and we wanted to send him off in style, so we had lots of people from the mapping group where Dad works, which Dad's advisor manages, show up and chill with us. It was a little hectic getting ready for all those people, but it was good for us because we scoured our place from top to bottom, and it was good for Dad, because he got to perform his favorite activity -- cooking for a crowd. And it was deee-licious. Dad shared an anecdote about the grilled-chicken skewers he made; he had made the same dish for our friends Jake and Niki once, and Jake told Dad that, if Dad was gay, Jake would marry him over this particular gastronomic delight. It is just that good.

Sorry we didn't take any pictures of our party. Isaac even hung out with us for awhile -- not too long, as the party was just really getting started at 7:15, which was his bedtime (and he let us know about it). But Dad and I had a lot of adult company, and I bonded with a Geo-S.O. there who is also a bio-PhD student and also has a workaholic boss. I even had a nip of Glenlivet, which was extremely wonderful. But the most wonderful thing of it all was that, despite the fact that our apartment is not large and having 10+ people in it makes for some noise that can travel upstairs, Isaac slept through the latter part of the party with no issues at all.


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