Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Adventures in Babysitting

Aside from Grandmas & Grandpas (all of whom live 2000 miles away), we have never left Isaac with a babysitter. I don't really understand how people do it, at least yet. Leaving my baby with a STRANGER?!?!???? NEVER! So Dad and I just haul the buddy along with us when we go out to dinner, which is not so frequently.

Enter last Thursday, when I picked up Isaac from school. His school fills out "reports" each day detailing the time and quality of each eating, peeing/pooping, and napping adventure. At the bottom of these reports are a few lines for parents or teachers to write notes to each other, like "Claire will p/u @ 2:30" or "Isaac needs more diapers at school." Well on this particular day, I went to remove Isaac's report from the clipboard where all the kids' reports lie in a stack. Atop the stack was a note from his classmate Iris's mom to the teachers -- "Can anyone babysit on Saturday from 11 to 3?" And in reply, layered with yellow highlighter to catch the eye: "Alicia will!"

{rubbing eyes} You mean to tell me that these adorable, fantastic teachers who look after Isaac every day, who know Isaac's routine, cues, likes, personality...these people moonlight as babysitters?

How convenient that I have a birthday coming up. We have already lined up Isaac's best girl Alicia to sit for us from 4-7 on Saturday so Dad can take me out on a REAL DATE! for my birthday. Score!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! That rocks. That's not something I would have ever considered...daycare people doing babysitting on the side. Who would have thunk it??!!

6:22 PM  

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