Saturday, April 30, 2005

A wean-a-way, a wean-a-way

We are in week 3 of a little experiment I like to call Operation Pump No More. Two Sundays ago, the in-laws, the hubs, the bitty guy and myself were out whooping it up at the mall (see photo documentation below), and I forgot to give him his noon-ish boobie. He was a little fussy about it, but survived, which gave me the idea that maybe it's time to get on with this whole weaning hoo-hah. When he first went back to day care, his teachers said he was a little p.o.-ed about it all, and would glance longingly at all the super-little people happily slurping away on their bottles like life was so unfair to him. But he got over it, and I haven't had to pump at work since April 8. Score! Now Isaac gets two boobies daily, the "bedtime" boobie, which I try to get in before he gets his bath specifically for the purpose of NOT nursing him to sleep, and the "morning" boobie, which usually occurs at 4 am specifically for the purpose OF nursing him back to sleep. Because getting up at 4 is just wrong, and I refuse to be one of those ladies who is bossed around in insomnia-land by her baby ANYmore.

Speaking of, Tuesday night the little jerk kept me up for THREE HOURS in the middle of the night, from ~1:00 to ~4:00. That was the final straw for me, FOR REAL THIS TIME, and since then it has been cry, cry, cry to sleep each night. But the funny thing is if I let him cry himself to sleep at night, which, by the way, only entails 10 minutes of crying max, he now stays asleep the whole night. He's done this for 3 nights in a row -- slept from 8 or 8:30 straight through till 4. BRING IT!!!! If someone would have told me me it's okay to let him cry like this months ago...well, let's just say I weep now for the lost sleep, and I will be a wiser mommy for Isaac v. 2.0.


Blogger Mrs. Flinger said...

YEY for boobie-less! I tell ya, I was so sad when I couldn't bfeed. But after starting work? SO GLAD I'm not pumping there.

That must be totally freeing for you!

11:44 AM  

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