Monday, July 04, 2005

Odds and Ends

My defense is in two weeks, so this will probably be my last blog until just before we pack up and move. As such, I thought I'd throw in a few cute pictures taken recently:

A trip to Mickey-D's for lunch:

Isaac desperately wants his dump truck to be a ride-on toy:

Isaac has morphed into a professional climber:

And there's the dancing. Oh my. It really cannot be described, except to say that my baby LOVES to dance. We have documented it in three movies:
1) Dancing with caterpillar. Isaac has this Alphabet Pal toy, a LeapFrog bit, that Great-grandma and -grandpa Ross gave him for Christmas. It has consistently been one of his faves because it plays all kinds of songs, so much so that Dada has dubbed it the Music Maggot (sorry, Grandma). Of course, songs = dancing. And recently he has learned to pull it behind him, making this video all the cooler.

2) Groovin' with Dada. Here, Dada shows off his guitar prowess and Isaac headbangs along. To Hank Williams, Sr. We'll work on that.

3) Dancing to R&B. TiVO hooks us up with "New Music from Best Buy", which means that we can use our TiVO to play all kinds of music we wouldn't normally have. Given our boy's love of the dance, and a massive void left by the departure of Claudia, Dada has instilled a new routine in our evening -- Family Dance Party. We turn on the TiVO music and we all groove together. This has inspired Isaac to new heights (literally) -- here, he shows off some club-worthy moves from a table-vantage point.

On the preggo front, there is some morning sickness (but no puking), a little worse than what I had with Isaac. There is some sleepiness, but nothing that can't be handled with several weekend naps. There is some cramping, which would be worrisome except for the fact that I went to the ER when I had the same with Isaac, and it turned out to be butkus. But by far the worst part of it all is, starting yesterday, the never-ending HUNGER. I am now eating, no kidding, 7 meals a day. I think Embryo O'Neal is trying to tell me to fatten up LIKE NOW HO-BAG. If I am not constantly shoving pretzels/cookies/ice cream/bacon in my face, I feel queasy. It makes meal-time with Isaac actually quite difficult -- I used to just eat his leftovers, which seemed like so much, but now require that I top them off with a dozen donuts, a box of EasyMac, and a root beer float [I am only partially kidding]. I can't believe this teenage-boy-style eating crap is starting so early, but my hypothesis is that this new parasite is telling me I probably need to gain 5 pounds, since I am 5 pounds less what I was when I got knocked up with Isaac. Other than the eating stuff, and the occasional freak-out in the realm of "how am I going to handle a helpless baby and a 2-year-old at the same time", everything is fine. Juuuuuuuuuuuuust fine. I am constantly amazed by the insane beauty, good behavior, and generally mellow nature of my first-born, and pray to anything possible that his sibling will be exactly like him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh gosh Claire... I had the hunger thing with Ben and it was AWFUL! I can't even accurately describe to anyone just how hungry I was! My other prego friends had never experienced the same problem. WTF? I would wake up at 1a.m., have a breakfast, wake up at 4a.m., have another breakfast, wake up at 6:30, eat again before I went to work, eat pretzels and things ALL day at work just to try and stave off the awful hunger.. but NOTHING worked. Thankfully, it stopped around 10 weeks, right when I started puking my guts out. Actually, I prefer the puking to the neverending hunger! Less uncomfortable! Hope you fatten up enough soon so it goes away for you! ;)

5:24 AM  
Blogger Susie said...

Isaac reminds me of my little one. I got here through a comment you left on SJ's site. Love the dancing videos! I can't wait til my Liam starts grooving like that!

6:47 PM  

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