Saturday, September 03, 2005

Campus tour

Michael, Ryan, Isaac, and I went on a little campus walk today, wherein touristy Ryan took an abundance of pictures of the beautiful University of Delaware campus. All the buildings are built from red brick, but instead of being ugly and oppressive like certain other university campuses, the consistent Georgian architecture used by the campus designers, along with beautiful green spaces, make U Del a breath of fresh air. Here are some buildings, both along the street and surrounded by green stuff:

Much of the campus is old, old, old, and the school itself as an entity dates back to the 18th century and, in its original incarnation, was responsible for educating a few signers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Here's a sign from a building that abuts the campus:

The buildings are often built right next to each other, but instead of leaving tiny, scary little alleyways between them, the architects instead designed these adorable archways that make the corridors seem infinitely more fun:

These were taken of buildings along "The Mall" or "The Green", a large, wide strip of green space flanked on all sides by enormous and stately buildings.

Marble doors on The Mall:

Isaac jogs The Mall:

Isaac and Mom in the grass on The Mall:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Beautiful campus.

8:41 PM  

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