Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Music class photo-op

We go to music class all together, Dada, the Isaac-monster, and myself, almost every Saturday, but it is so participation-intense that there is no opportunity to capture the experience on film. Lucky for us, Mamaw and Dadaw went with us this past Saturday and snapped some pictures that very accurately capture the attitude of our VERY active participant. Here he is before class starts, running with a mallet Miss Sandy was so kind as to let him hog:

A goodly portion of class consists of moms and dads sitting in a circle, usually with their toddlers on their laps. Despite the fact that he is clearly the youngest in the class, he is the ONLY kid who will sit in the circle all by himself and participate:

He's also a bit of a cut-up -- here he is "falling down" before his cue on Ring Around the Rosie:

Music class every Saturday is a new source of amazement for Dada and I, who are continually in awe of Isaac's ability to follow along with every single activity Miss Sandy can come up with. Again, he is the only kid in class who is a total joiner, and will clap his hands or stomp his feet or play with his drumsticks whenever Miss Sandy beckons -- all the other kids spend at least part of the class just sitting there like lumps. Oh, not my little showboat. Music class really gives his little outgoing personality a chance to shine through. I know Mamaw and Dadaw were stoked to have seen it, too.


Blogger Mrs. Flinger said...

LOVE the pic of him in the circle.

'Course, I'm really really glad I'm not the crack sitting next to you. I mean.. she reminds me of someone.. oh! ME! :-)

Looks like a blast, y'all.

10:30 PM  

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