Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Bathing beauties

Isaac had his first swimming lesson last night. Dad came along to supervise (and to capture the evening on digital film, as shown below). It was a blast. He was the youngest guy there, but not by much -- we met a 6-month-old guy named Henry who was also enjoying himself (and sporting some teeth, might I add). The class is for "tots" up to 4 years old, so there were a lot of older kids there, one of whom asked my permission to give Isaac a kiss.

We learned two skills last night; kicking and blowing bubbles. We didn't really listen to the teacher too much, but Isaac still taught himself how to kick, sort of -- turns out the same leg stuff one performs in the Jumparoo makes for a pretty nice-looking dolphin kick, so we motored all around the pool, Isaac propelling us with his dolphin kick. Mom tried to show Isaac about blowing bubbles, but he was much more interested in grabbing at the toys that had wandered their way into the pool, and of course putting them in his mouth.

The coolest part of swim lessons is that we form a circle with the other parents and tots every so often and sing songs that have motions you can do in the water. My favorite one was "The Washing Machine" -- it involved demonstrating all the capabilities of your average washing machine using your baby. For example: the wash cycle = twisting baby back and forth like a agitator; the spin cycle = swirling baby around in a circle; hanging the laundry out to dry = lifting baby out of the water. Next time we do it I'll try to get all the lyrics down for y'all.


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