Thursday, September 16, 2004

Creeping along our developmental milestones

Many folks have recently asked me: "What's Isaac 'doing' now?" I have been saying "nothing new," mainly because I have my "he's not crawling yet" blinders on. But "nothing" is not exactly true. Developments in the past week or two include:

1) He can now actually jump in his Jumparoo, which he very much enjoys. Actually, this is now inhibiting his ability to stand up when supported, because now standing up = i-must-be-in-the-jumparoo-so-i-will-jump mode. This is especially funny (to me) when Isaac tries to stand up on Dad, because standing up usually occurs in Dad's lap, so Isaac jumps happily around on the family jewels.

2) Isaac has become a master babbler. He has expanded his vocal repertoire from "ah-guh" to "bah," "blah," and "mah", and uses these syllables constantly and at insanely loud volumes. Especially at 2 in the morning.

3) While he is not yet crawling, he can now push his upper body all the way up with his arms, like how we used to do girly-push-ups in gym. He can also tuck his knees under his butt. But the two things together? Noooooo.


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