Thursday, September 30, 2004

Isaac-related concerns update

Last night was bad bad bad. He was up at 1, and then at 4, and then for good at 6:45. I am draggin' today. And because Dad has threatened that I have to ride the bus if my butt isn't ready to go as soon as I drop Isaac off at day care, I dispensed with showering today. You would say "ewww", dear reader, but you have probably stood next to my day-old-grime-covered body in the grocery store and didn't even know it. I use powerful Man-deodorant. That is my secret. But seriously, I've found that, on days where I don't take a shower, I have major mental difficulties, lovingly referred to now as "mommy brain". I'm sure that Dad could argue that I have such difficulties even on days where I DO shower, but he can bite me. Isaac and I will inevitably have such sleep wars again tonight, but I am also going to try a pseudo-scientific experiment. You see, the last time Isaac slept for 8 hours was when we had the humidifier we borrowed from Mindy and Clayton turned on for him all night long. The last two nights with the not-so-much-sleep? No humidifier. That is why they pay me the big bucks. Maybe. It's worth a shot, anyway, since Seattle Public Utilities is footing our electric bill for awhile.

Milk Production
Now that one, I have licked (har har). Today I have figured out the secret for increasing one's milk production. You see, in order to produce a reasonable amount of milk, one's intake of water or other hydrating fluids must exceed one's intake of coffee. Um.......duh. What was I saying again about that mommy-brain?

In other news that is of course intimately tied to Isaac's well-being, Dad has scheduled his Ph.D. defense. For those of you not intimately acquainted with the eccentricities of grad school, this is where he condenses, basically, his life's work into a 30-45 minute talk. Makes you feel really worthwhile, it does. But at the end of this special talk, he will magically transform from Dad to Dr. Dad. And he will annoyingly insist to be called such. The date for this occasion to cause his head to swell even bigger than it already is? December 14. Mark your calendars.


Blogger Kether said...

Thanks for the referral to your blog, I will read with much interest!
Hope the doctoral defense goes well for the future Dr. Dad.

2:58 PM  

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