Friday, September 10, 2004

The RASH came back the very next day...

Isaac's chin rash looks like it is starting to reappear, after almost a week of no solids. Being as scientific as possible about out new experiment, we now think that the rash appearance correlates with reasonable certainly with the ointment content of Isaac's chin -- days where we aren't so vigilant about greasing up his little neck folds (like yesterday) mean that we are treated to rosy spot-clusters the following day (today). Because we are almost PhDs, meaning we are ALMOST licensed to make command decisions, we take all this evidence to mean that the famous chin rash is not a food-allergy rash after all, but instead a more insidious drooly rash. This is both good and bad -- obviously good that he's probably not allergic to food (since eating is his favorite hobby); obviously bad, since how does one get rid of drool? We will be staying away from the solids for a little longer 1) to confirm our drooly-rash hypothesis with further testing and 2) because Mom hasn't yet figured out how to get those orangey foods out of his clothes.


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