Monday, September 27, 2004

Weird mom dreams

Our weird sleeping habits as of late have given me two vivid, crazy dreams.

The night before: Isaac is walking and talking, but he looks the same. We are sitting together in our miniscule kitchen before the fridge and I am fixing him a bedtime snack of brownies and milk. He is trying to put forth an argument about why he should be allowed to stay up later, with the seriousness and eloquence of a junior debate team captain, but with the insane reasoning of a little guy. His arguments are along the lines of "Mom, I have to stay up, because my GI Joes need me right now." And I chuckle at him and tell him that, while that may be true, it can wait until morning because it's bedtime for little guys. And then I wake up

Last night: I am a secret agent, but since I had Isaac, I have been trying to retire for fear that the bad guys will find me out and kill me and my family. The lady who recruited me, however, tells me it is too late, and that I knew the risks when I signed up. Now she fears for my life because my cover has been exposed, but she doesn't know who is coming to get me. So I go to a crowded club with Dad, and we dance together in a dark corner, but I constantly see a tall shadow moving against the far wall, and my spy senses tell me that the spooky shadow belongs to an assassin who is coming to get us. I am way more freaked out than a spy should be, but I convince Dad to leave without letting on that I am panicked about anything (because he doesn't know I'm a spy). And then I wake up.


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