Thursday, October 28, 2004

Sleep, sleep, I couldn't sleep tonight

Let me tell you about my son and his nighttime antics. I will put them in terms of when we put Isaac down and when he woke up.

Last Thursday (AKA "The Teaser"): Down at 7:30pm, up at 6:00am. The most consecutive hours he has ever slept.
Last Friday (AKA "Setting the Pattern"): Down at 7:30pm, up at 10:30pm to nurse, up at 3am to nurse, up at 4am with a breached-pee diaper and down at 5am, up at 7am for good.
Last Saturday: Down at 7:30pm, up at 12:00 to nurse, up at 3:00 with a wet bed and down at 4am, up at 5am to nurse, up at 6am for good.
Last Sunday: Down at 7:30pm, up at 1:00 to nurse, up at 3:00 to nurse, up at 4:00 to nurse, up at 5:00 to projectile-spew that milk he didn't really need, up for good at 7.

Anyway, I will keep it short -- this pattern has continued throughout the week, of him waking up at very short intervals in the dead of night. The moral to the story: I haven't had more than 3 consecutive hours of sleep in a week. It would be groovy if Dad could help with some of this, but we let Dad off the hook because he a) is trying to defend his dissertation in less than 8 weeks and needs all the rest he can get; b) has major sleep issues anyway, and if awakened at night does not go back to sleep; and c) doesn't possess the most potent baby-sleep aid known to man...the boobie.

I feel bad nursing Isaac back to sleep so much, like I am establishing that as a crutch for him. However, anytime I go to sleep with good intentions of doing otherwise, inevitably that "otherwise" must happen at 2 or 3 in the morning when it is very difficult to have enough coordination to move Isaac from the crib to the changing table, let alone the presence of mind to think proactively. Right now I am telling myself that this is a growth spurt, that he needs some extra boobie right now. And, remarkably, I do have the presence of mind at 2 or 3 in the morning to notice how unbelievably lovely he is falling asleep in my armpit.


Blogger Claire said...

Of course I try the bottom-patting thing, and sometimes it works but mostly it doesn't. Last night Dad tried to pitch in and do his magical sleepy-time thing, but it only worked for about a half-hour before Isaac was up again. I think he must really be going through a growth spurt because he seems completely out-of-sorts if he doesn't get a boobie during those late-night awakenings.

7:40 PM  

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