Tuesday, October 26, 2004

What?!? He likes us?!?

Yesterday provided the first evidence that Isaac actually likes us and wants to be with us.

1) Usually, when Dad greets Isaac at day-care to take him home, Isaac plays it cool and acts like he doesn't notice Dad at all. Yesterday when Dad went to pick him up, Isaac was getting his diaper changed. As soon as he saw Dad, Isaac reached his arms out towards him, inviting Dad to pick him up.

2) Last night I was playing with Isaac in his room when the phone rang. I went into our bedroom, which is on the other end of our upstairs hall, to answer it -- it was Isaac's Great-Grandma Ross calling to say hi. I brought the phone to the door of our bedroom and sat down there to chat so I could watch Isaac playing in his room, all the way across the hall. Isaac kept playing, but occasionally looked over at me and smiled. After a short while, he started to look over at me with a little more interest, and I kept smiling back. Finally, he turned his body towards me, and slowly but surely army-crawled the entire length of his room + the hall, just to get to me. This was by far the longest sustained army-crawl on record -- usually he gets distracted by other things along the way and stops to play with them.

Needless to say, we were quite delighted with these things. But for me it feels a little weird. I mean, for a reasonable portion of the time when Isaac is with me (i.e., the middle of the night wakings, dirty diaper-time, cranky almost-nap-time), he is crying or fussing or upset about something -- I guess I always supposed deep-down that one of the reasons he could be doing these things is because he doesn't like me. I know, that's silly, but think about it -- if somebody was always griping when you were around, you might eventually start to think that you bring that characteristic out in that person. I suppose because of these things I can now realize that Isaac does actually like me, and that I don't suck too bad as a mommy.


Blogger Claire said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah -- I don't know why, but it was just a little unexpected that Isaac would want to crawl to me. Not beating myself up or anything! He's just now starting to express his opinions in obvious ways, and it really touched me that he would go all that way (literally) to show me he wanted to be with me.

7:57 PM  

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