Wednesday, December 08, 2004

E-mailing in sick

I stayed home from work again today, making three days of sickly misery. And since this is oh-four, we now e-mail in sick instead of calling. I tried to make my misery as entertaining as possible for my boss and others. From today, which gives you an idea of what is going on here:

Hi guys,
I am finally getting better. I know this because I am too queasy to move, which means the snot-glaciers must be melting and draining. Not quite sure what this will mean as far as taking care of a now relatively healthy and fast-moving 8-month-old, but I think some kind of baby entrapment device will be involved. Anyway, I am going to stay put again today so I don’t puke on Doug and Ron in Lit Meeting.

Hope to see you all soon,

And I did puke today. It was gross. It was the first time I had puked since I was in transition with Isaac. You would think hospitals would know better than to feed a woman in labor a roast beef sandwich for lunch, or that she would know better than to eat it, but there you have it. In this illness of ours, Isaac hasn't puked yet, as far as I know -- how could I get his cold worse than him? Is it the (lack of) sleep preying on my immune system? And then there's the body aches -- it feels like I have run a marathon. Dad had to curtail a lot of his plans today to help me take care of Isaac. Poor guy, on his birthday, too. He said he had a good one, though -- we ordered buffalo wings for him for dinner, his favorites, and he got cards and/or gifts from Grandma Jane, Grandma Ross, and Grandma Peetz. When I'm feeling better, maybe this weekend, we will take him out for steak like he deserves.


Blogger Mrs. Flinger said...

Oh no! I hope you feel better. I puked for 16 weeks during pregnancy. It sucked. I don't think there's much worse. :-(

Take care. Too bad you can't call in to mommy-hood sick, hu? That's probably the hardest job you can't get a break from.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Claire, ICK! Hope you are feeling better.

And what nurse was dumb enough to let you eat during labor? Holy cow! I was BEGGING for food, even tried to get Tom so go find a granola bar and slip me some, but NO one would help me. And by the time I was in transition, I was glad. I puked three times, but it was all water. (from the 8 cups of ice chips) Even THAT was gross... I can't even imagine trying to fit a digested roast beef sandwich in that little bowl they ggive you to puke in. ;)

6:01 AM  
Blogger Claire said...

Erin: The roast beef episode was really gross. It was like my stomach had done nothing to the sandwich at all, that it had just sat in holding for six hours.

Leslie: No kidding! This is seriously making me want my mommy, if only to have someone trustworthy to hand off the boy to. Nobody ever told me that I would get too sick to take care of him -- that is a whole new level of painful.

8:16 AM  

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