Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Perhaps we should consider the circus for him?

He is learning new "tricks" every day now, mostly on his own. Added to the repertoire:

*He likes his mom to be well-hydrated. This morning I was carrying him on my hip in the bathroom while drinking some water. Of course when he saw me he wanted a sip or two or three, too, so I gave him some. As is his wont, he took the big-people glass cup with a hand on each side (and mom's hand around it for extra support) and brought it up to his face. Not new. But what was new this time: when he was done, he used his hands to guide the glass right over to my lips with a big smile -- "Now your turn, Ma! Have a drink!" He did it again this evening with the sippy-cup. Mindy says she's heard this is a shtick with babies -- they think it's hilarious to see you eat and drink the stuff they eat and drink.

*Finally, one I taught him -- kissing on command. I make a kissy face when he is within kissing range and say "Give me a kiss, Isaac," and he promptly stops what he's doing, opens his mouth wide, and turns and plants one on my lips. And I mean plant, like a leech. He doesn't bother with this puckering hoo-hah, just keeps his mouth wide open, completely covering my smoochy lips, and then hangs out there for a few seconds. Imagine how you're supposed to "kiss" Annie the CPR dummy to bring her back to life -- that's pretty accurate. But I'll take it anyway.


Blogger Erin said...

Benjamin does the open mouth kissing too... WHERE do they get that? We've always puckered when we kiss him! LOL!

4:23 AM  

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