Thursday, March 03, 2005

Operation "Bloody Murder": Day One continued

It's 4:30 in the morning here, and I'm serving my first CIO shift. This hasn't been nearly as bad as I thought it would be -- there was the initial hour-long scream-fest, which, again, I somehow thought would last most of the night. I was grateful that this was handled by the strong-willed and non-milk-bearing Dad. There was an initial hesitation (by me, of course) of whether to keep on with the crying should he wake further in the night, since he is used to quite a lot of boobie juice at night, but in the end we agreed that he is a big boy now and it is highly unlikely that he needs it, that we would go full-speed cold turkey. After his collapse at around 8, he slept until 11:15 -- Dad was still awake (not me, having learned my lesson from last night), and volunteered to take that shift, too. Noting that we were waking up the neighbors, Dad shortened his visits, doing a 5 min followed by three 10 min checks before Isaac fell asleep after ~ 30 min. This is the first time he's awakened since then, which means despite all the screaming he's getting one of the best night's sleep he's had in weeks.

Even cooler: I think he's already catching on. Obviously it didn't take as long for him to fall asleep when we let him cry at 11:15; now he is in the other room making only intermittent warbles after only 15 minutes of trying, and they are nowhere near the opera-singer efforts we witnessed at the beginning of the night. Hopefully this is not because he is hoarse.


Blogger Carolyn said...

Glad to hear the CIO is going okay for you. We used the same exact method (Dr. Ferber I believe?) for Brandon at our pediatricians recommendation. Prior to doing CIO he was up SEVERAL times a night and always seemed tired. After only one week, he slept straight thru from 8pm - 6am. We were AMAZED! That was 6 months ago and aside from the occassional wake up he does that consistently now (even thru teething and colds.)

Anyway, just wanted to let you know we have been thru it and it worked wonders over here! Good luck, but I think you are probably over the worst already.

9:50 AM  

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