Monday, September 05, 2005

Caught being good

After our cat-food battles, today my handsome devil decided to use his powers for good instead of evil and help me feed the cat. Luckily, this was captured on e-film for your enjoyment.

We had a dinner invitation today from Michael's coworker and his wife, my friend Sara. It was both yummy and fun, and Isaac had a blast. Though we did have a taste (pun intended) of things to come when I held Sara's 7-month-old for a bit -- did Isaac ever get jealous!


Blogger Claire said...

Mom -- miraculously, he seems to be past that stage where he wants to put everything in his mouth. There are still some new items that get taste-tested, but if I've told him enough times before (as with the cat food) that it's not to be eaten, he usually doesn't try to. Much.

6:04 PM  

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