Sunday, February 05, 2006

I should probably pack our bags sometime

I did not spontaneously go into labor with Isaac. I *thought* my membranes ruptured, I went to the hospital, and I was induced. Though I had lots of contractions with Isaac, they were all fakers (like him!): all low and in front. I don't know how many times in the last two months of my Isaac-bearing I called the L&D ward only to have them tell me to stay home and take a bath or drink 42 glasses of water to get my contractions to stop -- and they did.

The moral to the story is that I have no idea what the onset of real labor feels like. Maybe it feels something like this.

Since I ate the world's most sickeningly-sweet Papa John's last night, I have had an upset stomach. No throwing up, just nausea rivalling that of my worst morning sickness. But here we are, almost 24 hours later, and I still feel sick. I'm pretty sure it's not the pizza because both the boy and Dada ate tons of it with no ill effects. Now, after waking up from a nap, I am crampy both in my back and down low in front. No contractions or even pain, just noticeable and annoying uncomfortableness.

Is it labor or is it my continued snotty-nose-head-cold that's turning my stomach? Are they contractions or just my bladder which continually needs emptying? Who knows. I told Dada I thought I might (just maybe) be in labor. His response: "I have to teach on Wednesday!" You know, because it's up to me.

update, 9 hours later -- Tummy = still upset. Cramps in back = eh, very mild, very every-so-often. No baby just yet...but I'll keep you posted.


Blogger Periwinkle Jen said...

I've been worried about the same thing. My water broke at 7 AM 13 days before my EDD. I didn't even get painful contractions until 12 hours later, but since my water had broken I had to be in the hospital all day. I didn't deliver until 11:10 the next day. So I'm not sure at what point during my contractions I should be going to the hospital. Given Sweet Pea's affinity for punching my bladder and it's less muscular state because of last time I'm not sure if I'll even be able to tell if my water breaks.qxqdhxpz

4:33 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Flinger said...

Oy, I would not be the person to ask. Labor? Effacing? Dude, I did the whole song and dance for three weeks with LB never deciding to show her frilly lil' face until we ripped her out.

So.. uh.. yea.

5:55 PM  
Blogger Susie said...

Yes it could be labor!

6:27 PM  
Blogger Nicole Fleischman said...

Good luck! It sounds like labor! But I am no expert since all 3 had to be helped along with induction.

8:05 PM  
Blogger Jack's Mom said...

I'm not the person to ask either cause I was induced at 37 weeks. But sure sounds like something comparable to labor. Oooohhhhh, I am so excited for you!

8:11 PM  
Blogger mommyofkgrc said...

sounds like the start of labor to me. . .perhaps UB is ready to make is debut. . .so exciting!!!

5:33 AM  

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