Friday, September 17, 2004

Fall has hit Seattle

It is now officially fall in Seattle, as it has rained every single day this week. And Mom's sandal-wearing time is almost past, unless she wants to start growing things between her toes. This sucks because Isaac and I go for a walk, every day without fail, at 5:30 or 6. We require this walk because:

1) Isaac loves being outside, and this is the only outside time he gets because it is past the hours which require sunscreen.
2) Being cooped up in a tiny apartment that refuses to clean itself with a baby who refuses to clean himself can drive one crazy.
3) It is the only exercise I get.
4) It is also a highly social time for me, as we either walk with Mindy and Clayton or I chit-chat on my cell phone to whoever happens to be unlucky enough to be home at the time.

Today our walk required two full layers of clothing, shoes, and mittens for Isaac, as well as a sturdy umbrella and full-coverage shoes for me. It took us longer to get ready for our walk than it did for us to actually complete our walk -- it was raining so hard, Dad offered to pick us up at our destination, the 7-11 right up the street (to feed my Dr. Pepper addiction). While we greatly appreciated this, I don't like buying my lotto tickets in front of Dad because he thinks the lotto is stupid and a waste of money. And while I in principle agree, I don't see the harm in blowing one measly dollar every so often. It's for the schools, I say. And for me to win 8.5 million dollars.


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