Saturday, October 16, 2004


I think my boy enjoys proving me wrong. This morning he showed Dad and I how to army-crawl, as in he can pull his body forward using his forearms. By this evening, he could do this move several times in succession to get to a toy. I will try to get a video of this as soon as I can, cause it is sooooo neat.

He also understands now that he has to move his arms to get anywhere -- when he is in his all-fours look-out-here-I-go position, occasionally he will lift one arm up and out as if to crawl forward, balancing precariously on three limbs for half a second, but then he tumbles over. I hope he doesn't completely ditch his arm-lifting efforts, though, because now adding the army-crawl to his repertoire of tummy-turning and rolling back and forth means that he can get to almost anywhere he wants to go if he is patient enough.

This is all incredibly fun and exciting for us to watch. But it is also fun not to watch, if you know what I mean -- now, for the first time (and perhaps the last time), I can put him down somewhere safe with toys nearby, and then go do mommy-things that need to get done, checking in on him every couple of minutes or so. For example, no longer do I need to strap him into his bouncer or rocking chair and sit him at the edge of the kitchen while I do the dishes, hoping that he won't get bored until I'm almost done. Now I can put him down in the living room next to his bucket-o-toys and putz around in the kitchen, looking over the counter to check that he's not wandering too close to the edge of a table or a wall. It's fabulous.


Blogger Erin said...

Gotta love it! (our kitty cats don't love it so much though) I'm not sure Benjamin will ever master the real kind of crawling. He's gotten pretty efficient with the "throwing his arms down, pulling his body behind him move." He still gets up on all fours once in awhile, but then sort of collapses onto his stomach and goes goes goes. Who knows. Congrats on your little crawler!

I really gotta get some gates for the stairs.. have you done that yet? I'm such a procrastinator. :(

7:47 AM  
Blogger Claire said...

Nope, no gates yet. We keep going to Babies R Us, too, and walking right past them as if that time is never going to come. Silly first-time parents.

Congrats to Mo on her army-crawling aptitude! My guy won't go all the way across the room -- he's not that motivated. He only crawls now to get to toys, and they must be within a reasonable distance, say, three shuffles or so.

And I am posting a movie of him army-crawling...right now!

7:35 PM  

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