Thursday, October 14, 2004

Return of Ninja Nurse

Isaac got his flu shot today. I was a little weirded-out that our genius pediatrician didn't bring up the flu shot thing at our visit on Friday, especially since she commented that she would be very surprised if we didn't see her again before his 9 month appointment, given the upcoming flu season and his enrollment in day-care. Interestingly, the only reason I learned that he even needed a shot was from watching Headline News when I was up with him from 4:30-6 am Wednesday morning -- they informed me that kids from 6 to 23 months needed to get immunized. They were able to get us in at the doctor's office right away.

Now, this was only one shot today, but I screamed like a cheerleader and jumped up and down when Ninja Nurse greeted us in the waiting room. Those close to us may remember Ninja Nurse from Isaac's 2-month appointment. This lady is ultra-skilled in the administration of shots to little people. Seriously, she is easily ten times faster at giving shots than ANY of her cohorts. When she gave Isaac his 2-month shots, all four of them, she did them two at a time. Like two in the same hand at a time. Before he or I even knew what was happening, she had slapped a bandaid on his right thigh and was going to town on his left. We don't even know her name, but we have dubbed her Ninja Nurse for this reason -- she is so stealthy and fast that Isaac doesn't even have the chance to cry. Needless to say, we were highly disappointed with the different nurses we got on subsequent trips, and their unbelievable slowness compared to Ninja Nurse -- whereas Ninja Nurse is like "Oh, what a cutie (stickstick)! Wow, and I even got a smile! All done!", these fools are like "Here we go (stick, push in plunger sloooooooooooowly, withdraw syringe). And here comes the next one (hold down irrepressible thigh of the now pissed-off Isaac, stick, push in plunger slooooooowly, urge Mom or Dad to hold him still, withdraw syringe)." You get the picture. Anyway, we told Ninja Nurse today how much we love her, and we told her about her secret nickname. She said she will put it on her resume.


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