Random mommy babble
* Isaac is running a little fever (armpit said 98.7, but maybe I didn't stick it in there far enough?) and he has a little hacky-cough. I would LIKE to attribute it to teething, but we saw how that went last time. Also, there is a minor cold running around my lab. Let us hope we escape it, with my manly, robust immune system.
* We booked our tickets to fly home to Indianapolis for the holidays. We will be arriving December 20th and leaving January 4th. Am I looking forward to flying the long stretch to and from Chicago with an 8.5-month-old baby? Heck, no. We did it with a 3.5-month-old baby, and that was fine -- he slept, or he chilled laying down in the seat. This guy will not be excited about staying in one boring place the whole time. And then there's the solid-food feeding issue, and the poop issue now that his stinks. Need I go on? It will suck, and again we will be those people with the screaming baby.
* Another dilemma: what to do about Christmas cards this year? Option 1: make up the First Annual O'Neal Christmas Letter, including ink-jet pictures of Isaac. Option 2: fork out the fat cash for a little greeting card with a big Isaac picture on it. Option 3: forgo the whole shenanigan, figuring that anyone I would send a Christmas card to knows about this blog anyway. Is it wrong that I am strangely drawn to Option 3?
* All is well with the world because Grandma Susan gave us a Starbucks gift card. Thank you, Grandma Susan.