Monday, December 20, 2004


Yesterday Dad and I flew with Isaac and cat-brother from Seattle to Chicago, then from Chicago to Indianapolis. It went unbelievably well. One thing I think we had stacked in our favor was that we scheduled all this to happen super-early. We left the house at 4:15, and made it to Indy by noon Seattle time, which means that everything happened in the morning, when Buster is most happy. He slept most of the time, but the rest of the time we were playing with our 18-month-old friend Hunter we met on the plane. Hunter and his parents flew with us from Seattle to Chicago, where they stuck the six of us in the very, very back of the plane, as far away from those high-falutin' first-class-paying passengers as possible. Isaac was a complete doll and never cried, grinning and cooing and eating like a champ. He didn't even have any issues with ear-popping as I had feared, especially given his recent ear infection. Like his mom, he was also fascinated with looking out the window at the scenery below. As always, I was pleasantly surprised by my fabulous guy.

One thing we didn't expect, however -- how long have we been away? -- was the chilly Midwestern reception. Not from grandparents, but from Mother Nature. We landed in Chicago and the captain announced that it was a balmy six degrees outside. That's 6. Degrees. Not Celcius. And then we are watching the weather forecast here for Indy, and we almost guaranteed for 6-8 inches of snow tomorrow. While I am totally stoked about the white Christmas, Dad is informing me of all the horror that this entails for 1) how Buster's wardrobe is based in Seattle, where the most we have to worry about is that it might rain and dip down to 40 or something (oh NO!); and, much worse, 2) transportation around town to visit other people for Christmas. And we won't even go into the unthinkable last-minute Christmas shopping, which we, like dunces, have left ourselves lots of to do. In the meantime, however, Isaac is completely basking in the glow of the non-stop granparent excitement, and has completely fallen in love with the idea of a HOUSE, with, like, actual SPACE to crawl around in. Many pictures to come when I can find the USB cable in the chaos that is my luggage...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Claire, my love, I will be driving down to Indy tomorrow. Unfortunately I'll only be in town until the 26th (stupid job with stupid no vacation days) but I'm going to call you and hope to be able to see you and Mike and Isaac and the cat and everyone. Christmas!


7:26 AM  

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