Friday, December 10, 2004

We both have ear infections

After a horrible night of coughing and ickiness, which even sleeping in the car seat couldn't cure, and a painful "please mommy don't go" separation at day care this morning, Isaac's teacher Jill called me at work today to tell me that Isaac was completely inconsolable and tugging incessantly at his ears, and that I should pick him up right away. I made a doctor's appointment for him this afternoon, where we found out he doesn't have a lung infection (yay), but does have an ear infection (boo). I estimate this is a recent occurrence, since at the ER last Saturday his ears were fine, and since in the past two days he has become really, REALLY attached to his mommy. Finding out that Buster had an ear infection, though, made me think "Hmmmm. I have been unable to hear out of my ears at full capacity for three or four days now, and they ache considerably. Maybe I also have an ear infection." Because I'm smart. So Dad helped me score an appointment at the campus clinic at the last minute, where I got slightly chewed out by the receptionist about how "they don't usually like to fill openings this late in the day" and "you should really call and make an appointment next time." I told her to bite me. The doctor was quite impressed at how far my eardrums were bulging out, and gave me lots of nursing-friendly meds to make it all go away. So now Isaac and I are a walking upper-respiratory ailment pharmacy. Here's our haul. I've outlined the baby meds in Cheerios:

Mommy gets antibiotics, industrial-strength decongestant, and this fantastic nose spray that makes all my snot vanish. Isaac gets amoxicillin, generic baby Tylenol, and liquid Benadryl. The Benadryl is actually a last-ditch effort only -- Dr. Kira said it would help as a cough suppressant and as a sleep inducer, but it may also impair his breathing. No thanks. She said if the coughing was keeping him awake, to give him 2 tsp of corn syrup (hence the Karo), that it would coat his throat and help it not to feel so dry. We are officially now on the road to recovery.


Blogger Erin said...

oh wow! Your poor things! :\ Glad you both got the stuff you need to get better though. And SO funny that you outlined his meds in Cheerios. I giggled. ;)

5:21 AM  

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