Thursday, January 27, 2005


Isaac is sick. Again. We took him to the doctor just last Friday to check out his ear infection. At that time, he was still pulling violently and often on his ears. The doc said his infection was cleared up, but that he still had lots of fluid build-up that would go away gradually as his head became un-stuffed.

Last night he was up at least every hour, so full of snot he couldn't breathe in a way that he liked. I took his temperature this morning and it was a measly 99.2, enough to make him feel hot but not seem unwell, but also enough to ban him from going to school today. So he and I stayed home together today and discovered the mixed blessing of Benadryl. His doc prescribed it for him before Christmas to help him sleep through the ear infection stuff, but we never tried it until today -- we were a little wary because Dad has an unpleasant, jittery/heart-racy reaction to the stuff. Though it doesn't do anything special for me, we thought better safe than sorry and whatnot. But after his sleepless evening last night, even he was really upset about being so tired. He and the Benadryl got along fine; it just made him a even more tired. Unfortunately it didn't seem to do jack for his congestion. Please please please please please make all this sick crap leave, soon...mommy needs to sleep for more than three hours at a stretch, which hasn't happened since November..............


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