100 things about me -- other than the boy and U.B.
1. I just finished grad school
2. I got my Ph.D. in chemistry
3. Not that kind of chemistry, more biology than chemistry really
4. Protein chemistry, actually
5. I am published in Science, a big deal if you are in chemistry. or biology
6. I have two undergrad degrees
7. I have a B.A. in English
8. I have a B.S. in Biology
9. The major reason I got my Biology degree is because my English classes were so flaky and I didn't want that to be my life
10. I really enjoyed being an undergrad
11. I went to Indiana University, in Bloomington, Indiana, for that
12. I didn't like being a grad student so much, I think because research is not for me
13. I went to the University of Washington, in Seattle, to do that
14. I did like living in Seattle
15. It taught me everything I know about being a hippie (read: organic this and that, recycling this and that)
16. I never want to go to school again. Don't you think 9 years is enough?
17. If I had it to do over again, I would go to nursing school so I could work with people and not be trapped in a lab
18. I could have gone to med school and been a doctor
19. I chose not to do that because I knew I wanted to have kids before I was 30
20. I want to have 2 kids. Maybe 3. We'll see how we feel when U.B. emerges, if I can handle 3
21. My husband's name is Michael
22. Isaac is named after Michael's great-grandfather
23. I had never changed a diaper before Isaac was born
24. The day after Isaac was born, Michael told me that he thought he loved Isaac more than me and I cried. He bought me roses to make up for it
25. It took me a month to realize that that was how it should be, and that I loved Isaac more than Michael
26. I used to be able to sing very well
27. When I was pregnant with Isaac, my vocal cords loosened a bit and now my voice is not so great
28. I was in show choir in high school
29. My favorite color is green
30. My middle name is Jane
31. That's also my mom's middle name, and my aunt's middle name
32. I love being outside and doing things outside, no matter what the weather is like
33. I secretly hate TV, and I think my life would be much better without it
34. That being said, I religiously watch the Gilmore Girls. Including reruns
35. And Sex and the City
36. I dislike talking science with my husband
37. I only like talking about science, or reading about science, or even watching Discovery Channel stuff about science, if it's about biology or medicine
38. When I was pregnant with Isaac I was addicted to "Maternity Ward" on TLC
39. I love my blog because I love to write
40. As an undergrad I took some creative writing classes and really loved them
41. I'm really not that creative
42. I would like to write professionally but can't think of any good ideas to write about
43. I loathe shopping, especially for clothes
44. I would be a much happier person if I had a personal shopper
45. I don't buy clothes any more unless Michael has picked them out, because his taste is impeccable
46. I started wearing makeup when I was 23 because Seattle made me too pale
47. I got married when I was 22
48. I really, really hate doing dishes
49. I love to do laundry, especially because Isaac helps out
50. I love staying home with Isaac more than I ever thought I would
51. I want to stay home full-time until all kids are in preschool, maybe kindergarten. Maybe high-school
52. I think it's important for kids to have someone home when they get home from school
53. I believe in God
54. I don't go to church, but I want to
55. I'm deathly afraid of messing up my kid(s) because I don't know what I'm doing
56. I'm learning how to be a good housekeeper; right now I suck
57. This is the first time in my life I've ever prepared meals more than two nights in a row for myself or my husband
58. I love cooking, but don't know much about it. Trial by fire and the like.
59. My favorite part of my English degree, other than the creative writing, was medieval literature
60. I was a writing tutor for three years as an undergrad
61. I love grocery shopping
62. I am a tightwad
63. I like to think of myself as open-minded
64. I would consider myself a centrist-liberal
65. I hate politics
66. The only political issues I really care about are i) that everybody should have government-supported health care and ii) gay rights
67. Okay, one more: I think guns should be completely outlawed
68. Now that I've ticked people off -- other than these specific things, I am pretty conservative
69. I am weirdly proud that Michael and I are so fertile
70. It took us one month, each, of "trying", to conceive Isaac and U.B.
71. My favorite flowers are pink roses and lilacs
72. I have worn the same perfume, plain ol' Lilac, since I was in high school
73. My brother and I are ~2 years apart
74. My brother and I are thick as thieves
75. This is why I wanted to have Isaac and U.B. so close together
76. I get really mad that we are not saving for Isaac's college education right now
77. I love fruit
78. I hate most vegetables and vegetable dishes, including salad
79. I am, by nature, a messy person
80. This is something I am now trying to overcome in my quest to keep a better house
81. I like to exercise, but I'd rather walk
82. My dream would be to live somewhere where we didn't have to use our car and could walk everywhere
83. My other dream is to go to Hawaii
84. I've been to Great Britain and Ireland, but nowhere else
85. Not even Mexico
86. When the kids get older, I want us to take a month-long trip through Europe
87. But NOT backpacking
88. I like hiking, though
89. I've been hiking on almost all the major mountains in Washington, thanks to Michael
90. I love digital photography and would like to take a class to learn more about it
91. When not pregnant or nursing, I enjoy a near-nightly glass of red wine
92. My second favorite alcoholic beverage is scotch
93. I drank a glass of scotch the night before I found out I was pregnant with U.B.
94. I drank 4 or 5 pina coladas two weekends before I found out I was pregnant with Isaac (we were in Reno)
95. I'm actually a light drinker, but I like to know a bit about what I'm drinking: hence the wine and scotch
96. I am incredibly indecisive and I hate making important decisions
97. I won't let my husband manage our money
98. I wish I knew more about computers and HTML
99. I still haven't started Isaac's scrapbook
100. Does the blog count?