Saturday, November 19, 2005

Gloves, anyone?

Suddenly, rapidly, winter has come to Delaware. Isaac and the babysitter went outside yesterday morning to play (so I could clean in peace), and could only stay out for an hour before my son became a fussy Isaac-cicle, crusted snot around the nose and all. This morning there is a heaping mound of frost on the ground and the car, and the Weather Channel is forecasting snow for Thanksgiving Day. SNOW, people.

This poses a major problem for us because Isaac has no gloves that fit him. Last winter in Seattle (well, what could only loosely be called "winter" anyway, with no snow and all rain), Isaac's outside excursions were limited to hour-long walks in the stroller, during which he was forced to wear fleece mittens sewn for him by Grandma Ross. When I say "forced" I mean no disrespect to the mitten-crafter, but rather refer to super-bitty Isaac's inability to remove his own mittens, much to his extreme frustration. Clearly this limitation no longer applies to the boy who regularly removes hats, socks, and even coats at will. Additionally, I doubt he would stand for the encasing of his precious fingers in mittens, where he would be handicapped against his long-term project of picking up every single acorn from a meadow by the dorms to throw in a nearby creek.

To this end, I throw the question to the audience: how do YOU get YOUR toddler to wear gloves? Where did you get your gloves? Do you have any you would recommend?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I have the answer!!! I found these great knit form fitting mittens at Kmart. They are basically stretch gloves for little hands. Clayton likes them because he can still pick up things and they are not bulky. They are the first pair of mittens that he actually likes and he willingly fetches them before going outside!!!

7:47 AM  
Blogger Periwinkle Jen said...

One thing I've heard can help toddlers not lose mittens(though I've never tried it myself) is to attach mittens to each end of a long piece of yarn that you run through his coat sleeves and along the back of his coat. That way at least if he takes them off he won't lose them.
Ryan likes his hat and gloves, so we don't have a huge problem. Last year he had gloves that didn't have a thumb they were like little socks for the hand I guess. I guess that made it harder to take off. They came from Old Navy. He(and I) liked them so much that we got the exact same thing in the next size up this year. This year they have a thumb:-)

11:49 AM  
Blogger Claire said...

Thanks, guys, for all the tips! It's nice to hear what has worked for other moms (and little dudes).

5:48 PM  

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