Friday, November 11, 2005

Thomas the Crack Engine

We have seen first-hand the love affair with Thomas the Tank Engine blossoming in kids slightly older than Isaac is now. From reading other blogs it would appear that the descent into Thomas-mania is inevitable. But really, I had no clue just how big of a junkie, and how quickly, Isaac could become.

It all started two days ago, when I innocently TiVoed the Teletubbies, the second episode Isaac has watched in his entire life. He digs the 'tubbies and learned "in" vs. "out" from watching his first episode several times. What caught his eye about this second episode had nothing to do with the 'tubbies and everything to do with the 30-second preview for Thomas the Tank Engine at the end of the show. When this was done, I turned off the TV. "Choo-choo?" Isaac asked. When I tried to explain to him that we were done with TV for now, he followed me all around the house "Choo-choo? Choo-choo?" Being the naive mom that I am, I TiVoed a 10-minute shorty of Thomas and his buds on PBS Sprout for us to watch later.

The weird thing is, when he watched this very short story, he seemed only halfway interested, looking and moving around the room. Very little of the episode we watched actually involved a choo-choo or even cars, though when the trains did appear on the screen, he was a little more mesmerized. The realization of the toddler-crack that is Thomas came when the episode is over -- instant, insistent, pleading "Choo-choo? Choo-choo???" until I played it again. After having watched it twice, when I couldn't stand to watch it any more myself, he grabbed the TiVo remote from wherever I tried to hide it and made desperate, whining attempts to manipulate the TiVo into showing him more "Choo-choo!!!!". Thank God Grandma Ross brought "The Little Red Caboose" book when she came, or I think he would be clawing at the TV every second of the day.

I just don't get it. There aren't any songs. There isn't any dancing. It's not really animated, just some trains and stuff being pushed around a set. The characters don't move their mouths when they talk. Alec Baldwin does every.single.voice. And yet the unmistakable, almost creepy power it holds over my darling little boy, who becomes a snarling "Choo-choo!" addict with one episode...I shudder for what is to come.


Blogger Claire said...

Oh'm sure he'd like it, but make sure you're getting a good price. And that we'll have enough room for it.

7:49 PM  
Blogger Jack's Mom said...

Yep like Jane said - Welcome to Our World here at Jackaroo World. The obsession/addiction started about 2 months ago. Now every single day Jack will hand me the remote control and say choo-choo. To say he loves Thomas is an understatment. In fact tomorrow we are going to the Day out with Thomas and get to ride a real live Thomas train and everything. I am sure I will blog about it tomorrow.

6:47 PM  
Blogger Susie said...

You know - I'm surprised the AAP hasn't made Thomas-fever a developmental milestone by now. Choo choo!

5:58 PM  
Blogger Claire said...

Ha! Good call, Susie. And to Jane & Jack's Mom -- it's nice to know there are others out there right now feening for their Thomas fix like Isaac!

7:04 PM  

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