Saturday, December 17, 2005

Getting our vitamin FD&C Red #2

Isaac and I were invited to a cookie-decorating party on Friday, held at our buddy Sara's house. It was plenty of fun, and we got lots of yummy sugar cookies to take home. Isaac's personal favorites were not so much the cookies as the chocolate jimmies. Perhaps because they bounce better.

Here is the cookie-decorating crew, minus myself, Sara, and the infants:

Sara in her infinite genius nature designed the icing such that it could be painted on. Isaac took to this with his typical artistic gusto...

...though when he would get the errant red icing on his fingers, it was, of course, "yucky" and the best way to dispose of it was by wiping it on my shirt. Turns out icing comes right off in the wash. Did you know that?

One thing I didn't really expect at this party was the NOISE. There were four moms there, including myself and Sara, along with three 4-1/2 year olds, three toddler boys (including Isaac), and two infant boys. That makes two moms with two, one mom with three (under 5 years!), and myself with my lowly one-plus. I think I've been officially cured of any desire I might have had to have three babies.

To my surprise, Isaac was a little freaked out by the noise. My typically sociable guy spent most of the time playing in a separate room by himself, away from the more boisterous older kids. When he did play towards the end, he gravitated towards the oldest, the only girl there, she seemed like she really enjoyed his company. I guess it does stay pretty quiet in our house during the day, because while we had a great time, I know *I* was sure ready for my nap at the end of our visit. After a large helping of milk and cookies, of course.


Blogger Susie said...

Looks like so much fun! When we are at Gymboree, Liam tends to "leave" activities that involve the whole class yelling or hitting something. I think it's a little much for him. He prefers just a few kids around him for play - he takes himself off to a corner at times.

5:08 PM  

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