Sunday, January 30, 2005

Sleep? (((yawn))) Who needs sleep?

I guess I have to go through my periodic temper-tantrums about Isaac and his sleep issues, because today I am over it again. Sigh. He has a bad head cold and the snot flows so freely that I can't even take a nap next to him because it's torturously loud to listen to him try to breathe through that stuff. Maybe sometime this week the snot will disappear and he might stay disease-free!!! for a little!!! Maybe!!! Not that I haven't enjoyed nursing my boy, but at this point I have had it up to here with my antibodies. A fat lot of good they were.

We introduced Isaac to his lovey (yeeyuck) starter kit last night. I doubt he noticed, but at least the seeds are planted. I am now trying to associate pleasantness with the green satiny blanket, wrapping it around his lap when we sit down to read together or rubbing his legs with it when he's nursing.

But I am inspired today from a visit over to Mindy and Clayton's before bed. We got there just as Clayton, an infamously good sleeper, was winding down for bed, so we got to actually witness the routine of a successful sleep story. Here it is -- ready? -- Clayton starts rubbing his eyes or yawning, and it's into his darkened bedroom he goes. Mindy starts up his aquarium (which Isaac also has), wishes him goodnight, and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. The whole time, Clayton is screaming bloody-murder (well, as "bloody-murder" as Clayton gets, whose lung power absolutely pales in comparison to our budding opera singer), though it is obvious how tired he is. A few minutes after Mindy leaves, Clayton stops screaming and goes to sleep, not waking up usually till 8 the next morning. And that's it. I think we will break down and try this sort of approach with Isaac when he gets un-sick -- a sort of "cry-it-out". Our pediatrician prefers the wussier term "tough love", which I think basically sums it up -- Isaac, man, I love you more than I ever thought was humanly possible, but it's time for ALL of us to get some stinkin' sleep. Mom might actually put her foot down for once.


Blogger Mrs. Flinger said...

I did that today a little (for the first time). Lauren would NOT sleep so I let her cry for 5 min, checked, then 10 min. By 6 min on the second check she was out. FINALLY. My child has been sleeping no more than 4 hours. Doctor said she should/could be at 8.

Also, we have the aquarium, too. LOVE it!

5:21 PM  

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