Friday, March 04, 2005

Operation "Bloody Murder": Day Three

Isaac took about 15 minutes again to fall asleep, mostly on his own. This time it was very little in the way of non-stop screaming -- more like occasional protesting -- but he finally went down, as it seems he likes to do, when Dad comes into the room and gives him permission to go to sleep. He has been snoozing for almost two hours now, so far so good.

Today he did GREAT at day care. I was worried after yesterday and I even called in the middle of the day to make sure he was surviving. They said he was totally back to normal. Maybe even better -- he did the cutest thing when I dropped him off this morning. Usually he is pretty reluctant to let go of me, so I cart him with me around his school room as I drop off new food, clean clothes, fresh boobie juice, etc. Today I had to set him down to label a jar, but he kept reaching for me, so I just sat him on the floor and sat myself down next to him. He hung around for a little trying to grab my Sharpie, but then decided that I was suddenly boring and took off. First he crawled behind me and started banging on some shelves. Then he ventured a little further away, and his teacher Nicole followed him, offering him a baby piano of sorts to work with. He tickled the ivories with such gusto that he completely forgot I was there. At first I thought I should use such a situation to just slip away unnoticed, because sometimes (usually) he gets upset when he sees me leave. But my mommy needs got the better of me, and, keeping my distance, I brought myself into his view and waved goodbye. To my excruciating delight, he stopped what he was doing, turned to me, waved exuberantly right back at me ("Bye, Mom!"), and then turned back to the piano and continued his musical exploits. So....cute....could have died right there....


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