Friday, September 23, 2005

Milk and cookies: a sleep update

Last night before bed I gave Isaac a ginormous amount of milk and 3 small cookies. He slept from slightly before 9 straight through until 5:30 (yes, unfortunately that qualifies for a YAY!!!), at which time I pulled him in bed with us and he slept another hour. Hopefully this means that we have found the magic formula: bedtime snack = bedtime sleepy bliss. Tonight he got another big slug of milk and 1.5 not-homemade chocolate chip cookies -- let's hope for a repeat of no waking up in the middle of the night!

Editor's note, 9/24: "big slug of milk" and cookies did not work -- boy was up at 3:30. But this time, instead of incoherent, violent whining when I tried to put him back to bed, he repeatedly rammed his hands together, signing and hollering "MORE! MORE!" followed by "JOO!" (aka "juice" which also means milk) and making the sign we taught him for "drink". I was very grateful for this directness. Saves SO much time and worry. Tonight he got a full 8 oz of milk and some animal crackers...sleep, my pretty...


Blogger Mrs. Flinger said...

OOOHHHH, we need somethin' here. the ShE CHILD is not sleeping.


It's great when signing actually works! GOOOO ISAAC!

9:59 PM  
Blogger Susie said...

Liam looooves to sign more. He signs it whenever he wants a snack. He gets a bit confused and will clap instead of sign "more" correctly. Did the additional milk help?! Hope so. I gave a couple teddy grahams tonight with his milk and story. Wondering WHY I decided to do this since he has always been fine as it is. Duuuuhuhuhhhh mama!@!

5:44 PM  

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