Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Early signs of a potential career path

On his path to permanent and elected bipedalism, Isaac has taken the past two days to focus all of his baby-energy on standing. Wherever he is, whatever he is doing, he wants to be standing:

All. The. Time. For the past month he has been perfecting his stand, and now not only can he stand as long as he likes without falling over, he can even get himself into a standing position with no external support. Usually this happens quite gracefully, but when he tries to get a crawling start at it one ends up with what we have termed the "Bambi crawl" -- legs and arms straight and all touching the ground at the same time, and very cute and bumbling. Despite the fact that he is the fastest crawler in the West, crawling is suddenly becoming sooooo last month.

When he first acquired his standing proficiency, you could see two prevailing emotions, in rapid succession: 1st) "Yay! Look how hard I rock!" 2nd -- five seconds later) "Ummm...I'm up here. Grreat. Now what?" Since he has not yet perfected the bitty-guy shuffle and will only take a few steps at a time after MUCH encouragement (though this is quickly improving), he needed to find something to occupy himself while he was wayyy up there. And he did.



Blogger Mrs. Flinger said...

WOAH! Little man is all ready for work. How cute. I think I see a PhD in his future, no?

12:04 PM  

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