Wednesday, September 28, 2005

MyDoom, the human version

Just when you thought it was safe to breathe again, suddenly Dada brings home this hellish monster of a cold. Poor fella can't make it through work without his Contac. Having contracted it now myself, I demanded an extra 45 minutes of sleep before he left for work, and, busy with Isaac, Dada forgot to take his precious medicine. He calls us up an hour or so later: "Woman! Bring me some Speed, and NOW!"

This one is pretty much the same as the last one, only worse because we were so excited about being done with the last one. Sneezing, snot, coughing, sinus headaches. This is seriously confusing me because:

1) We don't know anyone. We don't hang out with anyone (much).
2) Isaac doesn't go to the germ factoryday care anymore. There should be no terrible awful no-good very-bad colds. We see other little ones once a week, at playgroup, and then it's less of Isaac interacting with and really more of Isaac casually regarding the other kids and running in the other direction towards a ball/ride-on/stick of string cheese.
3) It would appear that Dada has brought this upon us. While Isaac and I do go to germ-infested places like the grocery store (GASP!) and even Dr. Suck's office, Dada barely leaves his office all day.
4) We left Seattle, AKA Germ Disseminating Center of the Country. I actually saw a map once of US, showing that, because most flights from Asia land first in Seattle or L.A., that these cities were major propagators of the most recent flu strains. One would think that Delaware -- as in "Or imagine being able to be magically whisked away to Delaware! Hi... I'm in Delaware.." -- would be more, ahem, immune to such things.

I was too haughty, germs. I thought I could escape you with my new hermit-like lifestyle, but now I see that you will always win. Especially when I can't take any cold medicine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, vitamin C. That does the trick for me all the time!

7:14 PM  

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