Friday, September 16, 2005

An Isaac movie festival

Taking movies of Isaac is no longer easy. 9 times out of 10 when I whip out the camera at Isaac level, he has his hands all over the lens in less than 5 seconds. This is an example of him waiting a record amount of time to grab it, surely only because the distraction of Dada was there. I have tried I don't know how many times to catch him on "film" pointing at his various body parts as I name them. Wish me luck.

However, the movie gods seem to have smiled upon us this week. Last Saturday we bought Isaac his very own ukelele, at Wal-Mart of all places. How could we resist after his performance at the beach? After not letting go of it for a day, he came up with what is surely the greatest song ever. It consists of him strumming more or less in rhythm and singing "Mama Mama Mama Mama". Here is a movie of The Mama Song, followed by more guitar stylings by Isaac. Usually The Mama Song is longer, but apparently we were lucky to get the snippet at the beginning.

Today Isaac surprised me with a game at lunch. To preface: Dada is a coffee fiend, so Isaac learned how to say "coffee" pretty early. First it was "ca-ca", but now it is a more accurate "cah-kee". He gets such a parental response from saying "cah-kee" that now every beverage except juice is labeled "cah-kee". Back to today: After lugging around an unopened can of soda pre-lunch, he insisted it be brought to the table. There, he invented the fabulous game "Where's Coffee?", replete with hand gestures and everything. Could he be cuter? Doubt it.


Blogger Erin said...

I love it! Ben has a similar song that involves a lot of "daddy daddy daddy" He sings it while he bangs on his electric piano. He and Isaac need to start a toddler band, don't you think? ;)

The coffee thing was a riot!! I'm asking the same thing myself a lot.. "Where's coffee?!"

12:46 AM  
Blogger Susie said...

Such a gorgeous little guy! Curious - did you do signing with him? There was a lot of hand motions going on at the end of the Mama song. Just curious! Love the videos!

5:41 PM  
Blogger Claire said...

Susie -- we did do signing, but I didn't immediately recognize what he was doing there while I was taking the movie. Now I think he might have been suggesting a round of "Wheels on the Bus!"

Erin -- "Daddy Daddy!" So cute! Where's the movie? ;) I missed your commenting, by the way. Ben and Isaac seem a lot alike to me and it's so fun to swap "hidden in the comments" stories with you.

7:00 PM  

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