Sunday, December 04, 2005

Long overdue Thanksgiving pictures

Finally, I get around to posting pictures taken from our holiday of two weekends ago. We had four guests who drove all the way from Indiana to eat Dada's delicious turkey. We all enjoyed it, except for the resident fruitatarian, who had pancakes and blueberries for dinner:

Because of the foul and cold weather, we were mostly stuck inside. We would have bored our poor houseguests to death had it not been for our resident one-man-three-ring-circus Isaac. He engaged us all in some quality toddler time. He and Aunt Jean and Uncle Chrissy became fast friends. Aunt Jean caught them in the act of learning about the potty through the magic of a flushing story:

...and horsing around with Isaac's playhut:

Isaac's greatest discovery was that he could rope just about anyone to sitting down for endless hours with the Thomas the Tank Engine website. Here is Grandpa assisting our Junior Web Surfer:

...and then Chris and Jean teaming up for the job:

Another highlight was introducing the houseguests to their nightly show, AKA the Diaper Dash. Remember the bit from a Dana Carvey stand-up about his kids: "It's NAKED TIME!" Well, that's our guy -- opening the bathroom door after his bath is like opening the gates at the Belmont Stakes, with him shrieking gleefully and running like the dickens to flee the inevitable re-donning of the diaper. Aunt Jean caught him running out of his Cozy Coupe as a Diaperer approached:

For the entirety of the weekend, Isaac was a total ham. He can't get enough of being the center of attention. I'm thinking that our returning the visit at Christmas might be okay by him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh yes, Clayton had french toast and apples for Thanksgiving!!! He also enjoys running as fast as possible away from me after a bath to escape the terrible diaper. Perhaps that is a sign that he might want to start using the potty (or he is a future nudest).

8:01 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Flinger said...

hehe @ the butt shot. Driving naked. HAHAHAH.

We ended up with a playyard just like yours because you and Erin both said you have one and OF COURSE Oma gets what the cool bloggy mommies say we need. :-) So thanks for that!!

11:40 PM  

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