Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Today's scary nap

Though we think he's over his cold, Isaac still clings to the remnants of an awful cough from time to time. His cough only surfaces when he's asleep, i.e. when the phlegm has had at least an hour of him not being upright to travel down to his lungs. Being the geniuses we are after enduring over a month of this, we finally broke out the humidifier last night, and Isaac didn't wake up until 6:45.

Despite his long, restful night, he has seemed out of sorts all day. I don't think he's teething -- he actually let me spelunk around his mouth with my finger last night and there are no new molars in sight. He could be sensitive to the impending arrival of his little brother, like cats and dogs before an earthquake. But really, why he was this way today is anybody's guess. This morning we went over to Ella's house and he was cranky and pouty and not sharing anything, ever, but I know he enjoyed Ella's and Sarah's company, as always. They wore him out and he fell asleep in the car on the way home. An hour later as I was turning in for my own nap, he started crying "Maaaaaaaammmeeeeeeeee" in a most pitiful fashion from his room. This happens occasionally -- maybe he gets cold or conks his head on the bed or has a bad dream -- where he'll wake up mid-nap and need some help to go back to sleep. Unlike most times, this time his panic at waking up deepened upon my arrival. He buried his face in my hair and screamed "Mommy! Mommy!" even though I was obviously right there. And then the coughing started, the awful kind where he wouldn't breathe for a few really long seconds at a time, compounded by the fact that he was hysterically crying. After 15 freaky minutes of this where I seriously considered calling Dada to come home and help or even take us to the hospital, I gave Isaac some cough medicine, lay him in bed with me, turned on Thomas, and started rubbing his back. He was out like a light in less than 2 minutes, and slept for another THREE hours.

What caused this outbreak of scariness is completely unknown to me, but how powerless does something like this make you feel, that being right there for your kid is maybe not enough?


Blogger Susie said...

eeek! scary! glad it resolved. Isn't it both scary and frustrating to not even be sure why or what? I can't wait til they talk more! (Will I rue the day I said that!)

6:35 PM  

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