Monday, February 13, 2006

Still here, hopefully not for long

Not to get any hopes up, but there are some uterine rumblings tonight. She feels a little irritated -- perhaps from holding this huge baby boy for so stinkin' long? -- and is crampy with some sharp occasional cervical pain-like things. No contractions, though. We've had a really busy day here, to cap off a psychotically busy weekend, working on a side-project that came along as a sort of surprise on Saturday. Dada made me promise not to tell anyone what it was before it all comes together for some tricky work/life reasons, but hopefully we will be able to tell the world by the end of the week. If not tomorrow.

Going to bed now like a good girl. Blog you later.


Blogger Susie said...

Thinking lovely delivery thoughts for you...

6:35 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Flinger said...

:: trying not to read too much into a day without posts but hoping for the best :: :-)

7:12 PM  

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