Thursday, February 09, 2006

We're feeling let's run a marathon!

After three days of antibiotic, Isaac is feeling tons better. He's coughing less, there's less snot, and he clearly has lost all symptoms of his ear infection. He even slept through the night last night, for the first time in almost a month. What a doll.

Perhaps assisted by his newfound health, I am also feeling much better. Less snot, less congestion, less earaches, more sleep. What's not to love? Given our mutual exuberance at this turn of events, we decided to run ourselves ragged together today. Let me recap:

We went to playgroup at 9:30, where he proceeded to literally run laps around the church gym and I enjoyed the company of what is turning into something I lovingly call my "professor's wives' club." The neatest part was that my friend from the PWC who had a baby 3 weeks ago showed up, new baby in hand, so she got to give me all the straight poop about the hospital and living with two young'uns (she also has a 2-1/2 year old) simultaneously.

Isaac and I left close to 11:30, and he fell asleep in the car. At 1:35 I woke him up so we could go together to my prenatal appointment at 2. In a moment of mommy-genius, I fixed him a lunch of cheese quesadilla and grapes, put them in a small compartmentalized tupperware container, placed him in his car seat, and set the container on his lap. He peacefully crunched away and ate the whole thing on our 15-minute ride to the doctor's.

Possibly the best part of our day was the visit to the doctor's. I have only taken Isaac to one other prenatal appointment before by myself, and that was a complete catastrophe. He also freaked out another time, when I took him with the help of Grandma Ross, upon seeing me laying down on the exam table. My hopes were not terribly high, but after the thrashing/wailing episode at his own doctor's earlier this week, I thought it might be good to show him that visiting the doctor ain't no thang. And wouldn't you know it but the guy was a complete angel. When it was time for me to lay down on the exam table, I sat him in a chair 3 feet away with four trains. He started to fuss, but then I whipped up my shirt for measuring, and when the doctor put her tape on my belly he got really excited: "Wow! Wow! Wow!" said Isaac. The Doppler was just as neat. "Can you hear [insert little bro's name here]'s heartbeat?" I said. "Wow! Wow! Wow!" said Isaac. Everyone, including me, was impressed with what a good guy he was.

After my appointment we went over to Ella's house to hang and had a great time as always, Isaac playing with Ella toys and usually trying to rip them out of her hands; me yapping my trap with Sarah. It was a jam-packed day, but definitely in a good way.


Blogger Mrs. Flinger said...

Love that Isaac was able to go with you and hear the baby's heart! That's so crazy-cool (not that he'll remember it) but still! He got to!

2:31 PM  
Blogger Susie said...

I think it's so great that Isaac was so ood at the doctor. Wow! Wow! Wow! I think I know what he's gonna say when he sees his own litle brother!

5:23 PM  

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